
Click on any of the two images below to view them in fullscreen!

Animated opeation IMFS-limited

Animated operation IMFS-full

» Reduced fuel consumption and emissions. Depending on the regime of the vehicle operation and the variant of the IMFS used, our computer simulations point at up to 50% savings by IMFS applied on a vehicle operating at specific driving pattern. If interested in specific figures of improvements concerning specific vehicle, you can contact us, and we are ready to run our simulators, and to provide you with the results ;

» Improved performance by both the recovered kinetic energy and recovered power of the exhaust gases by up to 20%;

» Reduced engine and brakes wear, maintenance cost and time by up to 60% ;

» Possibility for engine downsizing by up to 30% , and thus – corresponding manufacturing cost, and additional fuel consumption and CO2 emissions cutting;

» Low cost and easy launching because most of the components of IMFS exist in modern automobiles. Actually the production of the system consists in assembly from off the shelf components;

» Integration and simultaneous performing the functions of several systems: a regenerative braking system, a turbo-compound system, any auxiliary hydraulic system and a system for supporting the starter of the engine. Along with that IMFS has approximately the same weight, volume, complexity and cost as only one of the mentioned systems. That is why IMFS have not any complete competitive technology, but only partial ones. IMFS leads these partial competitors, such as regenerative braking systems, turbo-compounds, and the new trends in driving of the auxiliary systems, by a list of significant advantages described at the competitive technologies page;

» Compatibility with all with all modern fuel economy and emissions improving engine technologies, as direct injection and common rail, LPG, CNG, hydrogen and other alternative fuels, variable valve timing, etc. They only improve the engine efficiency and/or emissions, but do not recover any energy losses. I.e. they are not any alternatives of IMFS regarding its regenerative braking, exhaust energy recovery and hydraulic power supply operations, but IMFS is able to multiply theirs advantages if implemented together;

» Easy, low cost, and hazardless recycling of the IMFS components on contrary of the complicated and expensive recycling of the batteries of the electric hybrids;

» Significantly lower manufacturing cost in comparison with the electric hybrids;

» Significantly higher power density in comparison with the electric hybrids;